Spirit Week set

By Gael Deboissy, Staff Writer

Hoover High hosts a special week called “Spirit Week.”

Spirit Week is an event when students can wear a certain kind of clothing. 

Lara Ghalustians, a senior at Hoover, participated in Spirit Week by wearing pajamas on the first day of the week.

“The goal of this week is to enlist pride and spirit into students during the days of spirit week,” Ghalustians said. 

Senior Class President Kiana Avedisian has participated in Spirit Week since her freshman year.

“It makes the school feel like one big family,” Avedisian said.

Wednesday is going to be hat day. Thursday is going to be black out day. And Friday is going to be wear Hoover spirit day. 

To end Friday, students are encouraged to dress as tourists against Beverly Hills in the football game.

“It can make your high school experience more fun and memorable,’’ Ghalustians said