BGD is Back

By Hannah Wathen, Linus Hartigan and Aurora Johnson, Staff Writers

Beat Glendale Day (BGD) will be on October 29 this year. There will be no big assembly because of COVID-19 restrictions. 

Instead of an assembly, each grade level will make their own short film, which should be about five to six minutes long, highlighted around the BGD theme of Hoover and Glendale battling for the Victory Bell. In addition to the short film, each grade level will make a 20-x-20-foot poster with their skit theme.

Junior Class President Amanda Bystrom shared her thoughts about the skits.

“This year we’re doing it how we usually do it,” Bystrom said. “But instead of it being live on a stage it’s going to be a video, so it’s gonna be pre recorded and shown during Ohana time.”

The freshman theme is going to be Tom and Jerry. The Class of 2024 theme is going to be Toy Story. The juniors theme is Twlight and the Class of 2022 theme is Fast and Furious. 

ASB President Jessica Voskanian, a senior, shared her excitement for BGD.

“We’re very excited, we have a lot planned,”  Voskanian said. “We’ve been working on it for the past couple weeks. We think it’s going to come out really well.”