And The Winners Are…

By Esteban Cortez and Madison Luka

The Homecoming Court is official.

Here are the winners

Freshman class prince: Jose Armas

Freshman class princess: Nelly Nikogosova

Sophomore class prince: Zaven Manukyan

Sophomore class princess: Mia Arreola

Junior class prince: Mervin Janoyan

Junior class princess: Felicity Calvillo

(The senior list is in alphabetical order)

(The senior prince and princess who received the most votes will be crowned Homecoming King and Queen at the Homecoming Dance on October 23rd at Hoover High.)

Senior class prince: Dante Abramian

Senior class prince: Kevin Amiri

Senior class prince: Eugene Chang

Senior class prince: Eric Khaloian

Senior class prince: Hayden Lutzker

Senior class princess: Farah Elserafy

Senior class princess: Arabella Levitsky

Senior class princess: Dorsa Mostofi

Senior class princess: Alondra Noguera

Senior class princess: Emily Torres