Tornados and Vaqueros

The Early College Academy will be graduating its first class of seniors this year.

By Noah Durry and Victoria Perez

This year the ECA class, also known as the Early College Academy, will have its first set of graduates with the class of 2022. Students in ECA earn college credits and complete their high school graduation requirements.

“Being in the first class to graduate out of this program will be cool,” said Natasha Cohen, a senior at Hoover who has been in ECA since its inception. “We took a chance at this program and to see that we made it out even when we were told it was going to be hard makes me feel proud. I feel like now that we graduated from this program, the class below us will be motivated to stick with it too.” 

In total the seniors have taken a total of three years of ECA classes. 

In sophomore year, students take three ECA classes. In the junior year, students took five ECA classes and during their senior year, students are taking seven ECA classes.

The class of 2022 has taken classes like psychology, astronomy, English, theater, history and music. 

For most of the class astronomy was the most difficult. 

ECA is a little bit harder than regular classes just because you rely on notes but overall they feel that it’s a good challenge. Something that made the class easier was that all the professors were really nice. 

Natalia Corrales, a successful senior who has been in ECA since the beginning, said her college plans have been made easier because of the program.

“I truly believe ECA has prepared me for college by teaching me the fundamentals in becoming a successful student,” said Corrales. “To be completely honest I was scared about the whole transition but now having taken so many classes I feel completely prepared to go to college. I definitely believe I have a better chance at getting into colleges because of taking ECA. It will show the colleges my motivation and distinguish me from other applicants.”