Glendale High wins Scholastic Bowl
Glendale High won the annual GUSD Scholastic Bowl, winning with 81 points. Hoover and Clark finished in a tie for second with 75 points and defending-champion Crescenta Valley took fourth with 70 points.
The Scholastic Bowl is a yearly event where all high schools district-wide form teams of students to compete and see who will be titled the champions of the event.
The competition is split into two parts, the essay writing and the quiz.
The writing portion of the competition involves writing an essay based on a prompt.
The quiz includes hitting a buzzer first to answer a given question, these questions can range from science, mathematics, literature, art, history, and a slew of other topics.
Two years prior, Hoover won the Scholastic bowl, winning 69 points, six points above the second highest scoring team, Crescenta Valley high school.
Though the event itself is located at Glendale High School, it was streamed live via zoom.
First the prompt, Hoover took the lead, taking 37 points before moving on to the quiz. Next, the quiz began. Crescenta Valley quickly took first place after answering the first question out of all of the contestants.
Hoover took the lead again, answering five questions in a row and made a fast pace for the rest of the other schools.
Nearing the end of the competition, Glendale and Hoover tied at multiple points, with the schools answering more questions than Clark or Crescenta Valley.