Almost every teenager uses social media. Many teenagers log into TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram, and YouTube every day. They use these platforms to chat with friends, watch funny videos, and post pictures and stories. For many teenagers, social media is a big part of their day. Most teenagers check their social media as soon as they wake up.
We check it before school, after school, and before bed. Some teenagers even check it in the middle of the night because they always feel the need to stay updated on what is happening online. Social media can be enjoyable; it helps teenagers communicate with friends, even when they are far apart. It features funny videos that make people laugh, provides news and music, and introduces new things to try.
When teenagers are bored, social media offers them something to do. However, social media is not always fun. Sometimes, it can make teenagers feel bad about themselves. As they scroll, they see people with perfect faces, perfect clothes, and perfect lives. Yet, many of those images are not genuine; people use filters to enhance their skin and edit pictures to change how their bodies and faces appear. They only share happy moments, leaving out the sad ones. Even when teenagers recognize this, they still find themselves comparing. They might think, “Why don’t I look like that?” or “My life is boring.” This can make teenagers feel sad. It can make them feel like they are not good enough. Social media can also create drama.
People often leave hurtful comments on posts. Sometimes, a minor issue escalates because so many people see it online. This can make some teenagers afraid to post anything; they feel they have to be perfect to avoid being made fun of. Another issue is how much time social media consumes. Teenagers might say, “I will check my phone for just five minutes,” but then they continue scrolling for hours.
Soon, they find themselves on their phones for hours, forgetting to do homework, skipping dinner with family, and even neglecting to sleep. Despite these problems, social media isn’t entirely negative. It helps teenagers stay connected to friends, learn new skills like cooking, fashion, and art, and expose them to music and trends from around the world. It can also provide comfort when they are feeling down. However, the key is balance. Social media is fine as long as teenagers don’t overuse it. They should also seek opportunities to connect with family and friends in real life.