Proposal: summer school to be on campus

Students might return to campus this summer for summer school

Proposal: summer school to be on campus

By Emma Ghalustians and Ani Torosyan, Staff Writers

Planning for the upcoming school year has begun, including summer of this year. Dr. Vivian Ekchian will present a proposal during Tuesday’s Board of Education that will state that summer school will be offered on campuses on all four middle schools, three comprehensive high schools, and Daily High School in the Glendale Unified School District. Elementary schools are planning to arrange summer camps.

Under Dr. Ekchian’s proposal, the summer school dates consist of June 14 to July 16 for elementary summer camps, while middle and high school students will be enrolled in the first semester of summer school from June 14-29, while the second semester will be administered from June 30 to July 16. Middle and high schools students will attend five days each week for five weeks. July 5, which is a Monday, will be excluded due to Independence Day.

The proposed locations of summer classes will be all elementary schools, Roosevelt, Rosemont, Toll, and Wilson Middle School, and Cresenta Valley, Glendale, Hoover, and Daily High School. 

The proposed course offering for elementary schools are learning support programs to build social-emotional skills and to address any unfinished learning. Middle schools will be offering remediation and intervention classes, and grade 8 Math Acceleration. For High Schoolers, they will be offering A-G required courses for credit recovery and accelerated math, science, social science, and health courses. In addition, the Glendale Educational Foundation will no longer offer enrichment summer courses concurrent with GUSD summer school. 


GUSD Middle School Course Offerings
English Strategies 7 (Special Education)

English Strategies 6 (Special Education)

English Essentials 6

English Essentials 7

ELD 6-8 Emerging

ELD 6-8 Expanding

ELD 6-8 Bridging

Math Strategies 7 (Special Education)

Math Strategies 6 (Special Education)

Math Essentials 6

Math Essentials 7

Summer Math Bridge A

(accelerated course for entrance into Integrated I in 8th grade)


GUSD High School Course Offerings
ELD 9-12, Emerging A-B

ELD 9-12, Expanding A-B

ELD 9-12, Bridging A-B

English 9- 12 1/2

Intervention ELA

Literacy Development 1-2

Integrated Math I, II, III; A-B

Summer Math Bridge B, C

Math Intervention 1-2 (tentative) 

Living Earth 1-2 (Remedial & Acceleration)

Chem in the Earth System (Remedial & Acceleration)

Earth Science

Bio Tech

Environmental Issues/Careers


US History 1-2

World History 1-2

Physical Education


Graphic Arts

Art 1-2


Health (Remedial and Acceleration)

Life Skills 1-2

SPED Math Strategies

SPED English Strategies

SAI English 9-12, 1-2

SAI Math 9-12

SAI Living Earth

SAI Chem in Earth System

SAI US History

SAI World History

Other SAI Courses – graduation requirements as needed