Choose A, B, C, or D for every question and keep track of your answers. Then, see your results at the end.
What is your favorite thing about Christmas?
A.] Giving or receiving gifts
B.] The variety of food
C.] Christmas movies and TV specials
D.] Holiday themed music
Choose a Christmas movie.
A.] Home Alone
B.] Elf
C.] The Nightmare Before Christmas
D.] The Polar Express
Who do you prefer to spend the holidays with?
A.] My family
B.] My friends
C.] By myself
D.] Both family and friends
Choose a holiday food.
A.] Roasted potatoes
B.] Roasted chicken or turkey
C.] Gingerbread
D.] Christmas pudding
Choose a stocking stuffer.
A.] Bath bombs
B.] Books
C.] Candles
D.] Mugs
As- You are Santa Claus! You are the type of person that everyone loves. You are funny, caring, and are very giving.
Bs- You are Rudolph! You are sometimes misunderstood, but you have an independent nature and are a natural leader.
Cs- You are an Elf! You always make sure to help others, you are good natured, and a team player.
Ds- You are Frosty the Snowman! You are funny, and compassionate. You are always warming people’s hearts.
Kristen Marshal