Keep track of how many times you choose an answer. Then, view your results at the end of the quiz.
How do react when you are in an argument?
A.] I don’t argue, I just calmly explain my opinion
B.] I rarely get into arguments
C.] I fight and make sure that my point of view has been heard
D.] Fight back and hold a grudge
What would be your ideal weekend?
A.] Reading a good book
B.] Catch up on any work I am behind on
C.] Relax and watch TV
D.] Spending time with my family or friends
Choose a holiday destination.
A.] London
B.] Rome
C.] Florida
D.] Paris
Are you responsible?
A.] Yes
B.] Most of the time
C.] Not really
D.] No
As- Your ideal pet is a dog. You are responsible, and are able to take care of another living thing besides yourself. Dog’s take a lot of time and care, but with your considerate personality, you will excel at taking care of your new pet.
Bs- Your ideal pet is a cat. You are mostly responsible and make sure that you are in control of events. Although taking care of cats is not as difficult as being responsible for a dog, cats do deserve love and affection which you can give.
Cs- Your ideal pet is a hamster. Even though you may not be that responsible, you are still able to take care of a pet. Hamsters do need love and attention like any other animal, however you do not need to constantly take them outside.
Ds- Your ideal pet is a fish. Fish do not require much attention, however one must feed the fish and change its habitat’s water regularly in order to prevent the fish from dying.
Kristen Marshal